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HSN Ultimate Hair Event Starts Today


HSN Ultimate Hair Event Starts Today


HSN is below to the rescue with services to your hair distress. HSN’s Ultimate Hair Event showcases as much as 50% off Daily Hair Deals and also totally free delivery on all hair treatment. Daily, they’ll include a remedy to a typical hair treatment trouble.

Virtue Labs– Virtue The Polish Unfrizz Cream, $2000(Originally $4000)

Keranique– Keranique Hair Regrowth Treatment Easy Precision Spray $1500(Originally $3000)

Wet Brush– Palm Print Detangler with Black Mini, $1199(Originally $1400)

Carol‘s Daughter— 7oz. Monoi Hair Mask, $1600(Originally $3200)

dpHue– dpHue Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse, $1750(Originally 35.00)

FHI– FHI Brands Stylus Sphere Thermal Curling Brush with Thermal Glove, $7999(Originally $12999)

Tweak would certainly– Wild Apricot Collection, $3499(Originally $5999)

The Ulitmate Hair Event will certainly be solely on-line, all items will certainly be readily available up for sale beginning on May 10 th; each offer rate will just be real-time for a 24- hr duration.


Carol’s Daughter, HSN


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