HSN Ultimate Hair Event Starts Today
HSN is below to the rescue with services to your hair distress. HSN’s Ultimate Hair Event showcases as much as 50% off Daily Hair Deals and also totally free delivery on all hair treatment. Daily, they’ll include a remedy to a typical hair treatment trouble.
Virtue Labs– Virtue The Polish Unfrizz Cream, $2000(Originally $4000)
Keranique– Keranique Hair Regrowth Treatment Easy Precision Spray $1500(Originally $3000)
Wet Brush– Palm Print Detangler with Black Mini, $1199(Originally $1400)
Carol‘s Daughter— 7oz. Monoi Hair Mask, $1600(Originally $3200)
dpHue– dpHue Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse, $1750(Originally 35.00)
FHI– FHI Brands Stylus Sphere Thermal Curling Brush with Thermal Glove, $7999(Originally $12999)
Tweak would certainly– Wild Apricot Collection, $3499(Originally $5999)
The Ulitmate Hair Event will certainly be solely on-line, all items will certainly be readily available up for sale beginning on May 10 th; each offer rate will just be real-time for a 24- hr duration.